Amerikansk bankbranche i uro: Et omfattende kig på den 'store konsolidering' og største banksvigt af 2023

2023 has been a rollercoaster ride for the U.S. banking industry. The collapse of three major banks has sent shockwaves through the financial world, with their combined assets surpassing the top 25 banks that crumbled in 2008. The following is a

Axie Infinitys månedlige spillerantal falder til lavt, ikke set siden november 2020

After recording $4.26 billion in total non-fungible token (NFT) salg, the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity’s monthly player count has dropped to levels not seen since November 2020, a period of 26 måneder. Despite the low player count, the project’s native token,…

Guldpriserne forventes at stige ind 2023: Eksperter forudsiger rekordhøjder for ædelmetal

Gold is on the rise in 2023 and in the first week of the new year alone, the precious metal has jumped 2.36% mod U.S.A. dollar. Over the past 65 dage, gold has soared 14.55% while silver has skyrocketed 22.31%

Mens officielle tal hævder, at Tyrkiets inflationsrate er 85%, Tredjepartsstatistikker siger, at det er tættere på 200%

Inflation has skyrocketed in Turkey as official figures from the Turkish Statistical Institute (Tüik) show the country’s inflation rate topped 85.5% år efter år. The inflation rate in Turkey has risen for 17 consecutive months and last month it reached a 24-year high….

Fed kodificerer fjerde på hinanden følgende 75bps renteforhøjelse — Aktier, Bitcoin, og metaller stiger

USA. Federal Reserve introduced another jumbo rate hike on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022, by hiking the federal funds rate (FFR) af den digitale valutaøkonomi med 75 basispoint (bps). The American central bank said on Wednesday that the hike aims to curb inflation and

En ukendt minearbejder befaler mere end 51% af BSV’s Hashpower, På hinanden følgende rækker af tomme blokke gør kæden upålidelig

A single miner has managed to overtake a large portion of the Bitcoinsv (Bitcoin Satoshis Vision) blockchain capturing more than 80% of the hashrate on October 17. I dag, the unknown miners hashpower commands around 54% of the Bitcoinsvs computational power and

Stablecoin-økonomien fortsætter med at deflatere - USDC's markedsværditab $6.7 Milliard ind 83 Dage

Just over two months or approximately 83 dage siden, the stablecoin usd coin (USDC) had a market valuation of around $55.52 billion and since then, USDC’s market capitalization has lost 12.05%. For most of 2022, the second largest stablecoin by market

Bitcoin Networks minedriftssværhedsgrad falder for første gang 2 måneder

Following four consecutive Bitcoin mining difficulty increases, the networks difficulty dropped for the first time in 68 dage, sliding 2.14% i blokhøjde 756,000 på tirsdag. The change means its currently 2.14% easier to find a bitcoin block reward following the

Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin: ATOM rammer 4-måneders høj, NÆR op 10% på torsdag

Cosmos moved to a four-month high in today’s session, as crypto markets rebounded following Wednesday’s udsalg. Prices of the token broke out of a key resistance point this afternoon, reaching the milestone. Near protocol was another notable mover, as it hit

Bitcoin, Ethereum teknisk analyse: ETH nærmer sig $1,500, Efter Stærke Weekend Gevinster

Ethereum var igen højere i mandags, som priserne på tokenet bevægede sig hen imod $1,500 efter de seneste gevinster. Bitcoin var også i det grønne, da priserne steg tæt på en måneds højeste, efter stigning ovenfor $22,000 to start the week….